Blog Traffic and Income Report : How I made $2,410.10 in May

I am so excited to be completing my fifth blog traffic and income report of 2017!! WOOHOOO!!

If you are new here…I started my blog in April of 2012 but just messed around with it for the first 2 years while I was soaking up as much info as I could about the art of blogging, marketing, & other biz strategies.

I am happy with how this accountability study and goal mastery went last year. Although, I will say it was a transitional year for me with the blog. I feel like 2017 is going to be a successful year for Arts & Classy! I have decided to keep up the accountability going for the year 2017. I really admire those that are making an income online and disclosing how they are doing it.

When I am writing my blogging articles, I am constantly saying to myself… what would I have wished I had found when I was learning who to blog?

This is the basis and mindset of ever blogging or business post I write. I want this to help you succeed! I am sharing my wins and my losses and let me tell you. I learned a lot last month!

If you haven’t seen my last monthly income of 2015, you can check it out Blog Traffic and Income Report: How I made $1,128.77 in April. 

This post contains affiliate links at no additional cost to you. It helps to keep this blog up and running. I appreciate your support.

Check out all my Blog Traffic and Income Reports page!

What worked in May.

Even though my page views dropped a little, there was a lot that went really right in May! I started flipping furniture more regularly to sell! I found an amazing couple at the end of April that purchased a coffee table from me. In May, they purchased 2 sets of end tables from me to furnish their apartment in Santa Monica.  I made an extra couple hundred dollars in May by doing that alone + generating awesome content for the blog.

Some of my flips also went viral on’s newsletter + social media and Cutting Edge Stencils Blog twice.

I was also approached by a home and garden site to hire me to be a part of their Pinterest Syndication program because I have built a legit following on Pinterest. Now, I have a whole new UNBELIEVABLE revenue stream that I complete from where ever I am. I usually work from my phone… it’s pretty amazing the return I am already seeing from pinning some pins to my boards. So grateful for this new opportunity to help me supplement my page views decreasing a bit.

What I learned in May.

I learned that there are some updates I need to make on my site.

I will be… 

  • playing around with new fonts
  • getting new current photos taken of myself (for my site and social media handles)
  • updating my logo
  • creating a new color scheme

Hopefully, by giving my site a mini makeover, I can help boost my traffic numbers. My goal is to get back to where I was at 200k page views per month.

Here are the traffic analytics stats from April…

Blog Traffic and Income Report : How I made $1,128.77 in April

Here are the traffic analytics stats from May…

  • My page views decreased by -6,228.00 in April.
  • The average time on my site increased by +1 secs.
  • My bounce rate decreased by -.43%.

Here is the breakdown of how I did with my income…

  • Pinterest Syndication Influencer……….$927.17
  • AdThrive ………………………………………………$853.00
  • ……………………………………………$42.20
  • Amazon ………………………………………………..$199.31
  • Awin ……………………………………………………..$10.84
  • Share-a-Sale …………………………………………$18.00
  • Adsense (via youtube) …………………………$9.58
  • Selling my furniture flips ……………………$200.00
  • BlueHost ………………………………………………$150.00

     Total …………………….$2,410.10

My Recommendations…

After switching to BlueHost as my web host at the end of April 2015, I am happy to report that my site has only crashed once.

I signed up for a 3-year deal where I pay an awesome price with BlueHost. Awesome hosting without killing my blog expense budget. This was not the case when I was hosting with Go Daddy after I started getting more traffic.

Also, did I mention that a lot of my photos from my transfer in hosting didn’t make it?? So now I am manually replacing photos on posts and galleries which can be super tedious work. This is still something I am working on. No fun!

If you want to learn more about the art of blogging (because it is an art form) you should check out my Essential Bloggers Resource Guide to get more details if you are thinking of starting a blog to even just improving the one you already have.

I am really trying to put myself out there to (hopefully) inspire newer bloggers with my current and future monthly blog income reports.

I am also doing this to hold myself accountable to continue pushing forward with my income goals for the year.

I purchased the EpicBlog Editorial Planner in December 2014 and have been staying true to my income and expense tracking for this year. I really wanted to see if this would make a difference in what was just my hobby and has helped me make this a lucrative side business. This has helped me tremendously.

Blog Traffic and Income Report - How I made $2,410.10 in May

I highly recommend it if you are ready to get serious about blogging. The creator Regina is absolutely fantastic. I have learned so much about blogging and business from her!

*BONUS* Here are a few investments/tools I started utilizing (once my blog was making $1,000 per month).

Now that I am making a decent side income each month, I don’t see any harm in freeing up my time to finish my ebook and work on more DIY projects.

    • I’ve been using the social media automation tool Meet Edgar for 2 years now and I swear this was such a great move!  I am saving so much more time every day by not having to be on my phone scheduling posts on FB, Twitter, and Linkedin. It is a little bit of a splurge costing me $49/month. But this is a solid investment because it frees up my time to other things.
    • Another tool I began using is Tailwind. I heard about it from the fabulous Blogger, Erika, over at Since working with Tailwind and joining more group boards within my niche, I have increased my traffic substantially.
    • LeadPages is another tool I implemented in 2016. I finally splurged for $37.00 to have access to lead boxes, pages, and other amazing features to automate my email sequences better.
    • I used to use MailChimp and now I use Convertkit to send out my email newsletters. The pricing is the same for my email list size.

Tailwind Visual Marketing Suite

I didn’t realize how much I could still learn from Pinterest when I felt like I had a really good handle on it with my following when it was at 5,600k. I thought I had a lot of traffic coming to my site daily. But this article taught me so much and showed me Tailwind.

This automation tool is geared specifically towards Pinterest and Instagram.  Now I have over 43k+ followers and I am gaining hundreds weekly.

That was pretty exciting. I attribute a lot of my success to Tailwind. Since 65% of my traffic comes from Pinterest, it was so it was worth the investment. I can schedule an unlimited amount of pins for weeks ahead of time with their easy interface. I love setting it and forgetting it! Getting back to life to be present in the moment.

Best. Thing. Ever.

** You can try Tailwind for free and schedule up to 100 pins before they ask you to pay $15/mth for 400 pins a month. Or you can pay $119 for the year for unlimited pins.

Since this platform is my largest traffic referrer, it was worth the investment and I paid for the annual membership.

I am happy to announce that AdThrive has been my ad network now for 5 months. I am very happy with them and the income I am now making!

I am happy to report that not only has my daily increased by over 7% of what it was on The Blogger Network. I did enjoy my time with TBN however, some of their ads were slow to load and also distracting.

I am happy that my site looks less cluttered and my income is growing + the techs with AdThrive are super helpful and they respond very quickly to any issues I may be having.

It was hard to leave The Blogger Network which is now called Monumetric because I was doing well with them too. However, the ads they placed on my site that converted really well were the most annoying to deal with on my site.

Both Monumetric and AdThrive are ad management companies built by bloggers.

They help bloggers make more money with their own ad placement techniques. These ads will be implemented for you!!! Say wha? Yep. I don’t ever have to worry about placing or managing ads on my site again! IT’S AMAZING!!

Check out my I also have some great blog post brainstorming tips. for more info on other helpful resources.

I hope some of you found this traffic and income report helpful! I do these monthly to help track my progress.
Is there anything you want to know more about? Did you like this article? Let me know in the comments below.

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  1. Hey Meredith,
    It was great to read your update, you are making some real progress!
    I really need to think about how Pinterest can help one of my websites…

    1. Thank you, Adam! Yes, learn to leverage Pinterest! It is a powerful platform!

  2. Hi Merideth!
    I’ve always enjoyed your website and I appreciate your willingness to share your income every month. However, I am still struggling with making an income from my blog. I would love to hit the 50,000 page view traffic mark a month. What do you recommend for bloggers to do to increase their traffic. ? How do you leverage Pinterest?
    Thanks, Meredith!

    1. Hello Patty! Thank you for taking the time to let me know how you like the post! I would definitely say to get a little more assertive with your Pinterest Strategy to help you build your traffic. Make sure you are creating pinnable graphics in the vertical orientation. Make sure your images are clear and have great lighting. Use Text overlays to draw more attention to your image to tell the reader what the article is about.

      I hope these tips help!



  3. Hi Merideth!
    I’ve always enjoyed your website and I appreciate your willingness to share your income every month. However, I am still struggling with making an income from my blog. I would love to hit the 50,000 page view traffic mark a month. What do you recommend for bloggers to do to increase their traffic. ? How do you leverage Pinterest?
    Thanks, Meredith!

    1. Hello Patty! Thank you for taking the time to let me know how you like the post! I would definitely say to get a little more assertive with your Pinterest Strategy to help you build your traffic. Make sure you are creating pinnable graphics in the vertical orientation. Make sure your images are clear and have great lighting. Use Text overlays to draw more attention to your image to tell the reader what the article is about.

      I hope these tips help!



  4. Hey Meredith,
    It was great to read your update, you are making some real progress!
    I really need to think about how Pinterest can help one of my websites…

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