Blog Traffic Increase Income Report for December

I can’t believe it’s already January 2019! I am super pumped to be sharing my Blog traffic increase + income report for December 2018 with you. As usual, a lot happened during the month. My goal for each income report is to share the ups and downs of being an online entrepreneur.

If this is your first time here, I am Meredith! I have been blogging for over 7 years and I am the creator if Arts & Classy. This site began with the hope that I could document my experience decorating my home.ย  As a renter with little to no budget, I had to flex my creative muscles and learn how to decorate my home with things and furniture I already had or could get for free.ย 

7 years later, I have I built a brand and helped many people do the same with their homes. Blogging + Social Media marketing have become passions of mine and helped me make a complete career change from working in film and tv to doing what I love in my home.

If you have been wanting to start a side hustle that you can do from home I recommend learning how to start a blog. If you want to see what resources I recommend, check out my blogging resources. I also share my blog traffic and income reports from the past few years.ย 

This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience. Clickย hereย to read my full disclosure policy.

My life as a blogger started as a part-time gig. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing…All I did know was that I was a firm believer that everyone should have a side hustle. I was trying to create mine.

With these blog traffic tips + income reports, I love to share the blog traffic increase I have experienced and other things that are working and things that aren’t + my income of course for the month. I want this content to be valuable and to the point.

Make sure you also read my November blog traffic and income reportย to see what worked for my business that month.


When it comes to tools that I use to run my online business, I am all for automation! I am going to give you a list breakdown of everything.

BlueHost – They have been my web host for over 4 years now. I am a big fan of their services especially when I transferred over to my own private server. Anytime I have any issues, they are always so helpful on the phone 24/7.

Blog Traffic Tips & Income Report for December 2018 + FREE Printables

Tailwind – This is my FAVORITE tool that I use the most!!!

If you are not familiar with this tool. It is the BEST automation tool for Pinterest. (Tailwind is also an approved partner endorsed by Pinterest.)

Since Pinterest is my #1 traffic referrer, It’s an absolute must for me so I am not glued to my phone pinning all day every day. It is super valuable! If you haven’t tried Tailwind you can get 1 month for free (no credit card required) to start. What have you got to lose?

If you want to learn how I use my Tailwind to create more traffic to my site, I have a Tailwind video training you would find valuable.ย 

ConvertKit – This is my email marketing CRM. It is an amazing tool that I have been using more of since I got back into my blogging flow.ย I was on MailChimp when I first started building my email list. I believe they run a deal where it’s free for your first 1,500 subscribers but this doesn’t allow you to create automated sequences, funnels, or anything fancy.

WPUM Dev Plugin – This plugin is the only one I pay for on my WordPress site. It has so many plugins within it that help me compress images, optimize my site’s speed, and back up my data. I have been using this plugin for over a year now and it is still a crucial tool for my business to run smoothly.

SiteLock – This company has really helped with controlling the bot traffic and malware on my site which was slowing it down. It has improved the performance and speed of my site which has made my audiences experience a better one.

Dropbox – I love Dropbox because it allows me to store all the info from my site backups, images, content, etc for my site. It is especially helpful when I have a Virtual Assistant.

Epic Blog Planner – I am very much a pen-to-paper kind of girl and I have been using this editorial planner for my blog’s content since 2014.

Goal Setting Action Plan Worksheets – I have always been a planning and goal-setting nerd and with the New Year approaching, I decided to finally make my own worksheet system!

To help entrepreneurs get a little more familiar with my teaching style and the info I am providing, I set up a private Facebook group! In this Facebook group, I host a FREE 5-Day Pinterest Challenge to go LIVE each day with a lesson. There is homework to go along with each lesson to make sure students take action and implement it.


1. My Intention/Goal Setting + Action Plan Free Printable Worksheets.

In early December, I had an impulse to make 3 free printable worksheets to help people get into planning mode for the new year. What I didn’t realize is that these worksheets were going to go totally viral on Pinterest. I have gained over 1000 new subscribers in less than 30 days off this one free offer I made!! I am in shock still.

I decided to do an Instagram live to talk people through the worksheets and uploaded it to youtube. I love video tutorials when I am learning how to use something. I thought it would be a valuable resource for all those goal setters out there.

Free 2019 Action Plan + Intention Setting Worksheets

2. My. Pinterest. Account!

It is my main income source and has been for over a year now. I will say, my income this month from Pinterest is nowhere near my best. But, I am still grateful for it. All I can do is keep working on new strategies to help me boost my income there.

However, Pinterest changed their algorithm earlier this year and my account conversions and traffic had tanked. It forced me to dive into massive research on how to implement new strategies to get back to the numbers I was used to. I am happy to report that all the updates and changes I have made have paid off.

I learned a valuable lesson to always stay at the forefront of technology. It also taught me to deal with the dips of social media platforms in a healthier way.ย Arts and Classy Pinterest Account - Blog Traffic Tips and Income Report

3. Offering Pinterest Management services to bloggers

This is to help bloggers maximize their leads, conversions, traffic, and overall exposure. I gained my first Pinterest client over summer and was able to test out strategies I have been using on my account on a business that was completely different than mine. I am happy to report that overhauling my client’s Pinterest account has substantially boosted their numbers and leads. I am currently managing their Pinterest account for about 4-5 hours monthly.

4. Creating 5-10 different images for one blog post.

This is for Pinterest marketing. Since Pinterest algorithm changes, I am now churning out 2-3images per blog post to create “fresh” content in the eyes of Pinterest! This is what I did with my goal setting worksheets and boy did it pay off!

I need to hire an assistant stat to delegate things like this too. I am only one person with A LOT to do.

5. Writing seasonal content that is being searched for.

I never used to follow this protocol with my content. I wanted to just write about what I wanted to write about at that moment. Now that I am following trending topics as the season’s change, I am reaping the benefits.

6. Thinking more in SEO terms when I write articles.

As in what would people be searching for… and write my content in that frame of thinking. I am also trying to write more about things that are trending. Holidays and other trends sweeping the web to help me boost my traffic.

7. Applying for more sponsored posts with specific pitches that work well for my audience.

The agencies that pair me with brands that have been working best for me recently have been Clever and Forward Influence (formerly Mom It Forward).

8. My Website Theme

For the past few months, I was saying my theme wasn’t really working for me. It wasn’t until I made some tweaks have I seen better results with regards to my mobile site and page load time. I am glad I worked on what I have to improve it. Instead of just jumping ship.

Salient Theme – I have been using this theme for the past couple of years on my site. I do want to install genesis but for now, this will work.



Total income for the month: $3,703.23

If you are trying to bring more traffic to your blog or you are trying to up your game on Pinterest…might I suggest joining my crazy successful “Blogging + Content Marketing” group board?

Blog Traffic Tips + Income Report for November 2018 - Blogging + Content Marketing Board

I get multiple requests daily to join this board and I had stopped adding contributors for a long time. The number of requests was overwhelming. But lucky for you, the board is open again! I only want serious people contributing to this board. No spammers. If you are serious about up-leveling click [Here] to learn more.

If you run a home-related blog, then I recommend joining my DIY Home Decor group board to gain more traffic and earning potential.

Blog Traffic Tips + Income Report for November 2018 - DIY Home Decor Board

I hope this post about blog traffic tips + my December income report was helpful to you! Please let me know what you found most valuable in the comments below.

Here are some other resources for blog traffic increase info that you will find valuable if you liked this post.

p.s. If you are thinking of starting a blog or are looking for more ways to monetize it, check out these FREE checklists to assist you in explaining your opportunities online.

Blog Traffic Tips & Income Report for December 2018 + FREE Printables

If you found this article helpful to you, please share it on Pinterest!

Blog Traffic Tips & Income Report for December 2018 + FREE Printables

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