
DIY Easy Paint-A-Pillow Tutorial & Giveaway!

DIY doesn’t have to be hard.

I love that companies are beginning to take notice of the smaller DIY projects that could be packaged and sent to someone to make the whole process fun, easy, and beautiful for everyone! Cutting Edge Stencils has created a new complete Paint-a-Pillow kit!

It is kind of amazing to be asked to check out this new product and be able to share it with you all and the GIVEAWAY (that’s right. You heard me.) a GIVEAWAY! I am giving away 1 complete paint a pillow kit to one lucky reader! See more details below.

How to paint a pillow with a COMPLETE DIY KIT! See how this amazing system works with cutting edge stencils kit via www.artsandclassy.com.

I am also excited because I have posted my my 3rd YouTube video in this post too! I wanted to show you all the fun stuff that came with my kit and how I used mine.

I really enjoyed the simplicity of this kit and the quality of the materials sent. I really love my two sided accent pillows that now grace my living room!

Side note…My next big investment in Augustย is a brand new Canon T5i bundle so I can take my blog to the next level!!! I am so excited about it.ย 

Check out the tutorial & Giveaway below and some in-progress and after-photos I took!



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Diy project how to paint a pillow with Cutting Edge Stencils kit!

Please leave a comment and check out my channel to subscribe for more projects and MANY more to come! ย YOU ROCK. Also, a big thank you to Cutting Edge Stencils for including me in your amazing DIY family.


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    1. Amy! I am so happy you are here! I know right? I wouldn’t have either. I was super excited to try this out.

  1. there are SO many choices – I love the birch trees or the large flower patterns. I would have a hard time deciding! and what color?!

  2. This is so sweet of you to hold this Giveaway! I am so loving the Peacock feather pillow, but I also love the Geometric one, too :o) What Fun!

    1. Karen! You are the sweetest! I absolutely adore holding giveaways for my amazing classy crew! I want to inspire diy-ers and aspiring diy-ers everywhere! Nothing is better than FREE!

      Thank you for taking the time to tell me. ๐Ÿ™‚ You rock!

  3. I’ve been looking for the perfect pillow for my master bedroom for months.. never thought of being able to stencil one! I’d love to win this!! I love the Archery one on their website ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Kianna!! your comment did go through. I just have to approve them manually for security reasons. I am so happy you found this giveaway!

  4. (I don’t think my first comment went so I’m commenting again!)
    I’ve been looking for the perfect pillow for my master bedroom, I didn’t think to stencil one! There are so many cool patterns to choose from on their website, I’d love to win!

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