
Epic 10th Anniversary Celebration

This post brought to you by Andre Champagne. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Arts and Classy.

I am always one that tries my very hardest to make parties and entertaining super special, especially for the ones I love. I was so excited to be able to throw my parent’s an epic 10 year Anniversary party with a little help from my friend Andre! Inย fact, I love gettingย #EpicWithAndre!!

Have you not metย Andre Champagne?ย  Well, ย allow me to properly introduce you.

Epic 10th Anniversary Celebration + a fun easy DIY Project! #epicwithandre

Epic with Andre DIY Guestbook Upcycled Champagne bottle 14

Andre is an awesome brand of champagne that I love. There are a variety of flavors and possibilities with Andre at the party.

Epic with Andre Anniversary Party DIY Project

Epic with Andre DIY Guestbook Upcycled Champagne bottle 15 IMG_0470 copy IMG_0467 copy

Now, let me tell you the reason why this anniversary party needed to be so special was because my parents (aka my mom and step father). Neither of them have never been married this long. Their prior marriages did not hit the 10 year milestone. So this was kind of a big deal and I wanted them to feel the love from their friends and family in a beautiful location.

Epic with Andre DIY Guestbook Upcycled Champagne bottle 11

Epic with Andre DIY Guestbook Upcycled Champagne bottle 06

Epic with Andre DIY Guestbook Upcycled Champagne bottle 02

Epic with Andre DIY Guestbook Upcycled Champagne bottle 05

Since I was planning my parent’s party, I decided to throw a little Andre into the mix during and after the event by making a fun DIY Guest book out of a Champagne bottle.

My parents absolutely loved this craft and it was quite the conversation starter.

Epic with Andre DIY Guestbook Upcycled Champagne bottle 04 Here are the supplies I used to make this craft.

  • Washi tape
  • Chalkboard Paint
  • Paint Brushes
  • Tacky Glue
  • Matte finish Mod Podge
  • Photograph
  • Silver metallic paint
  • Frog Tape
  • Paint Markers and Gold Sharpie

It was a pretty simple project.

Step 1

Soak the empty champagne bottle in warm water and rub some dish soap on the labels for about 5 min to soften and remove.

Step 2

Paint the entire bottle with chalkboard paint and allow to dry after applying a couple of layer.

Step 3

Add frog tape to a portion of the bottle to mask and apply silver metallic paint. After a couple of layers, allow time to dry.

Step 4

Print out a photo of the happy couple to cut out in a heart shape to glue and mod podge to the bottle

Step 5

Apply Washi tape where you so choose

Step 6

Dress it up with the paint markers and Ta-Dah! You are ready!

Epic with Andre DIY Guestbook Upcycled Champagne bottleAt the party, it was so fun passing this champagne bottle around so that every guest could sign and write a little message to my parents + this ended up being their favorite gift to bring home and display in their home!

Andre really helped me make this party a memorable experience not only for me, but for my amazing parents that deserved a epic night to celebrate.

The cool thing about Andre, is that this champagne tastes amazing by itself but you can also mix it in with other beverages to make it more Epic!

Have you ever tried Andre? If not, you should and tell me howย Andre Brutย has made your party or event go from ordinary to extraordinary!


Share your EPIC stories here and on social media using hashtag #EpicwithAndre

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